Sunday, 25 March 2012

Smokin' Sunday Sessions

We all had a big day today. This afternoon we went to visit my human aunties, Connie and Kyla. They have a shop in Hepburn Springs called Portal 108. It's a great shop full of Nancybird, Goorin, Najo jewellery and lots of other fun things, some which are made by local people. 

Then we went out for lunch at Ego Culinaria. Mum didn't take very many photos as there were lots of wasps around and she was trying to make sure I didn't try and play catch.

Wasp patrol and fine dining is really hard work.

Then we came home for a short rest before we went down to Vic Park to play with Arkie, Casey and Dolly. They are all Golden Retrievers. Unfortunately I got really excited and was really rough with my friend Dolly. 

When I was little Dolly and I used to have the best time running and play biting....but today I was excited and Mum says I got a bit too stupid for her. 

I also don't listen that well when there are other puppies around because there is just SO much going on. It's something my humans are really going to have to work on.

I spent most of our play time on top of the other dogs, with my legs wrapped around them making it difficult for them to move. I wasn't trying to be mean. I just find it really hard to move my legs around as they are so long!

Mum says she is going to spend this week reading up on socialisation and doggie manners because when I am fully grown there will be lots of doggies that are scared of me and we don't want that.

This last shot is of me walking across the oval back to the ute. The tongue says it all....

I hope you had a great Sunday. Stayed tuned for this weeks adventures...

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