Saturday, 4 February 2012

My Raw Food Diet

Before I came to my new home, my humans did lots of research on doggy diets. They wanted the best food available for me as Great Danes don't have a long lifespan in comparison to smaller breeds. My human mummy did lots of late night reading on Raw Food diets which is what they have decided to feed me. My humans hope that by eating a good, balanced diet that I will be healthy and live as long as I possibly can.

A couple of months before I was born my humans lost their doggy Tinka who was 16 and a half years old. She was a Cocker Spaniel and Mum tells me she was a really good dog with lots of love for everyone. Cocker Spaniels only have a lifespan of around 12. Lots of people told my humans that the reason she lived so long was because she was looked after really well.

There is this really clever vet in Castlemaine called Dr. Bruce and he developed a raw food diet that's great for dogs and cats. You can find Dr. Bruce's website here:

You can buy Dr. Bruce's products at lots of different shops and online. My human Mummy mixes up the dry mix with fresh kangaroo meat which is really good for me because kangaroo meat is low in fat.

Because I'm a big puppy and grow very quickly I eat lots each day so she does a big batch once a fortnight and keeps weighed portions in the freezer.
Sometimes I have more food in the big white cold thing than my humans do!

Mum tells me that you have to be careful about the type of food you feed large breeds when we are growing as we can develop lots of problems. If you Google 'knuckling over' you will see that this is a big ouchie for doggies.

So I get lots of variety, I also get chicken necks a few times a week. My humans get a bit worried about me eating those these days as I'm not very good at chewing...I like to gulp my food down. I've got a special bowl that makes me eat a little bit slower but chicken necks are easy to pick up in my bowl.

Once a week I get some heart and liver for a special treat and sometimes I get some yummy fish (without the little bones cos they can also cause another ouchie). I also gets lots of big fresh bones to chomp on three times a week to help my teeth and gums. They are my favourite!!

I'd love to know if anyone else eats a Raw Food diet as my humans are always looking for new treats to give me. You can leave a comment here or email me at:

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